Promo voice over. What is it and why is it an important piece of any voice over artist’s portfolio? Short and punchy, promos are designed to catch the audience’s attention and get them excited in a short amount of time. Most of the promo voice overs we are familiar with include advertisements for upcoming television episodes. For example, “Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy talks with actor Johnny Depp about his newest movie.” The tell the viewer when, where or how to tune in all in a short sentence.
Short. Sweet. And impactful. That is what makes a promo.
Carolina Impact Promo
Promo Voice Over
Promo voice over is unique.
What sets a promo apart from over types of voice over work is that they are promoting a network television show or other type of broadcast. There is no physical product being sold. Movie trailers and previews are considered promo voice over work and promos can be advertised on television, radio, and the internet.
There are even multiple types of promos for a talented voice over artist to record. It all depends on how the promo is being used. Each promo will include what is being promoted, when it will be played in a broadcast and how long the promo is. Where it is played during the broadcast defines the type of promo. These types include but are not limited to:
Teaser – these are played during an early commercial break and is designed to entice the audience to continue watching the broadcast or watching the next one.
Re-joiner – this is a promo that occurs after a commercial break to remind the audience where they left off before the commercial break occurred. For example, re-joiners are common on the television show Deadliest Catch. Not only does it help remind the audience what happened previously, it also helps build suspense for events that are coming up.
Recycler – this type of promo is aired at a different time of day that the broadcast it is advertising. It occasionally includes more information than a standard teaser promo.
Billboard – this is a promo that includes the name of a sponsor. For example, “Tonight’s episode of Saturday Night Live is brought to you by Jiffy Pop,” would be a sponsor promo.
Understanding how the promo is being used is important.
An experienced voice over artist like George Washington III understands the nuances that go into promo voice over. The promo’s specific purpose will help them determine the tone, emotion, and other qualities of the final product. They will be able to capture everything the network or station brand stands for in their promo work.